"A population who does not care."
So true. I had to incorporate this axiom into the design of the TDG. Like all great social movements, the TDG will start with only a small percentage of the population. If 99% doesn't know, doesn't care, or doesn't approve, the early TDG can still move forward.
"The entire power establishment is not going to go quietly."
So true. But in the initial TDG stages, that power structure will ignore the early TDG builders. This will allow the TDG to grow and develop the necessary skills to make it work. As time passes, the TDG will appear more credible to more and more citizens. There will be some conflict between the two, but the social forces to replace the establishment with the TDG will already be in place.
"You’re proposing a violent revolution, perhaps?"
I hope this doesn't happen. In 2009, I was finally able to think how all the puzzle pieces of the TDG should fit together. At that time, I thought the USA should have 20 years before it starts falling apart. The TDG could be built in that time. But after two years of marketing, there was no interest.
In 2017, I pulled the TDG off the shelf and blew the dust off. I thought the election of Donald Trump was a great sign of a unrepairable democracy. I only needed 1% (maybe less) to take my ideas seriously. No go, despite six years of reasonable internet activity.
CBC News sent a reporter team to cover the Trump indictment in Miami. They interviewed a couple of the protesters. These Americans could articulate the "liberals have been running the country for decades" and "weaponizing of the DOJ for political gain" quite well, almost sounding believable. Whether these people truly believed their words or were just positioning themselves for a high position after the coup is uncertain. At a minimum, the USA is heading for a period of continuous civil unrest.
"Why don’t you start with a significantly smaller, non-nuclear country? Somewhere with a manageable population? Say, Canada for instance."
It would be great if Iceland would consider my ideas. Unfortunately my ability to reach this country is rather small.
Canada is a bit of anomaly. For reasons I do not understand, this Westminster system has developed to have at least three political parties in play, not two. A year ago, the Canadian government instituted a national dental plan, where low-income families have access to dental care for their children. Now our Parliament is in the process of a national pharma-care program, further expanding our public health care system. As much as we Canadians may gripe about liberals and conservatives, we are reasonably happy with our system of government.
The province of British Columbia has tried three times to change its Westminster system. For some reason, a political party can have 40% of the popular vote and have 70% of the seats in the legislature. "We should fix this," say the citizens of BC. Yet when such a referendum is put forth, the citizens reject it. This province is stuck in 1867 as to how it chooses its elected representatives.
When the citizenry thinks their system works reasonably well, there won't be a drive to change it. Canadians are not there yet. It will be a while.
It is the USA where democracy is falling the fastest. Sooner or later, there will be enough citizens that realize their 18th century social engineering tool is not working for the 21st century.
Part of the American myth is that they created a system of governance from nothing. While this is not true, the myth suggests that another new system could happen again.
The myth also likes to point out that many countries have copied the American model. This is mostly true. So it is possible for the USA to teach the world about TDG governance.
So from several angles, the USA is where I should focus my marketing, as best my limited resources can provide. If citizens from other nations join, that is fine.