Actually, my carpal tunnel started 30 years old. I was actually getting needle-like pains all the way up to my shoulder. The neurosurgeon wanted to do surgery.
I decided on a lifestyle change before the surgery. I changed my keyboard from QWERTY to Dvorak. The movement the Dvorak fingers have to travel is about half of Qwerty, maybe even 2/3. The pain stopped. No surgery.
The researchers don't believe Dvorak is beneficial, but my experience says opposite.
About three years ago, I got a free guitar and decided to take up this hobby again. About a month into daily practices, the carpal tunnel flared up. I'm not a good musician, so it was easy to give up the guitar.
There is a little pain in both hands. I will delay surgery as long as possible.
A traditional publisher would probably want to cover their butt with copyright infringement---and it takes a lot of detective work to find the original owners and get their approval. I can see why the publishers will stay away from this project.
But if your book does not get too famous, I doubt the original owners will take you to court.
Consider an e-book. I heard Apple is the best ebook tool for books with lots of visual stuff.
Or maybe build your own website. But how get people to it ond how to monetize it? That is a challenge.
Maybe resubmitting on Medium a year from now is the best option for you. There will be a whole bunch of new people. For your fans still here, they will enjoy visiting again.