As you know, I have some contempt for the political scientists for they do not understand the internal workings of political parties very well. Or perhaps better said, they do not understand how harmful these workings really are.
People do not participate because politics is rough. It was this way circa 1990. Things have gotten worse.
When I had mastered some basics in Roberts' Rules of Order, I became more able to participate in politics. But for those who did not gain some understanding, participating in meetings was fuzzy. They saw the rules as obstructing, not helping. To some degree, they were right. But they were still disenfranchised.
I am reasonably well educated. So learning Roberts was not as difficult for me than for many other people.
You might be interested in my 2019 article on Roberts Rules:
And some people are not "meeting" people, even when the culture is more friendly.
You have already commented on my article "The American Aristocracy." In this case, it seems the educated have created a world that gives them an edge for themselves and their children.
Now, you have given my brain cells something to churn about. Does education really produce a more democratic society? How do we educate young people to participate more effectively?