Bob: Thanks for the lengthy response.
If I were to summarize it, it would go like this:
The media get it wrong because: 1) they are following each other, 2) they are driving advertising revenue, & 3) they have a social engineering agenda. That could be an article in itself.
About a month ago, I responded to one of B Kean’s articles about how he and the other three writers are creating something special. The response got more traction for me than my regular articles. This article particle has the been the best in several months for me (I’m a bottom writer). So other people are recognizing the magic. Medium was necessary for this magic to happen. Other forums cannot do this.
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I have been accused of "overthinking things" too often. The world needs to learn to use people like us. We have a great talent. Making decisions by sticking a finger in the wind does not work for me.
For me, too many people think western democracy is working fine. The fault lies with the "bad" people it keeps electing--and the people who vote for them.