Brian: I think you have touched an important point. While Russia is not a democracy, its leaders are still a reflection of the people. This does not mean all Russians want to be kleptocrats, but there are enough Russians of this thinking to keep Putin in power. And these average Russians have been engaging in minor corruption, even in communist times.
I have encountered thinkers who believe that we should just leave the systems of government alone; we should just work on improving ourselves. When more of us present a better face to the world, then government will behave better. Hence these thinkers are not interested in my alternative democracy.
My take is that our political leaders are also leading our morality and ethics. A "bad" political leader will cause millions to drift more towards the dark side. And this negates the good intentions of the kum-ba-ya thinkers.
My second take is that we need a system that finds the better people. These better people will not only lead the people with their better decisions, but with their moral/ethical example. The better people are out there--even in Russia.
Anyways, I've really enjoyed your perspectives on this troubled history we are making. Your many years in Russia are valuable in my understanding.