Brian: I'll just bring in a Canadian perspective on this poll worker matter, albiet my experience in politics is now 30 years old.
Somehow the election commission seem to find enough people for this one-day job (well actually two days for there is some training). I believe current pay is about $300. On election day, workers are told to bring their own lunch and expect a 12-hour shift. Many poll workers come from previous municipal/provincial/federal elections. Somehow they
Partisans sometimes take these poll worker jobs. But they have no say in their partner. Even if two partisans are assigned to the same booth, it would still be difficult to agree how to cheat the ballot box with so many people watching. Even if they did cheat, there are auditing pratices that will limit how much they can cheat.
Watching some the hearings of the last American election, there is no doubt some cheating did occur. But the system was strong enough that it could not have turned the election result in 2020. The stop-the-steal people were making big mountains out of small molehills---and very likely, their tribe was doing a little cheating of their own.
This man may behave honorably. The experience may make him realize the rules and protocols for elections are reasonably sound. Or he may be ruthless in trying to get an extra 20 votes for his side, in which case, this will be exposed. He will be watched!