Circa 1990, I was an avid reader of The Economist. This magazine often spoke of the mismanagement of our water resources, especially in the southwest United States. The clarion to the water crisis has been sounding for a long time.
The magazine also showed the impotence of our elected institutions to deal with these matters. In other words, we were destined to put our heads in the sand until we reached a crisis.
We can pretend that our claps for articles like this one are going to bend the will of the overly ambitious people who aspire for public office. But most likely, we will keep our heads in the sand until we reach a crisis. We can quadruple the number of today's clarions and the result will be the same.
If we really want solutions that are timely and effective, we need to stop wishing that our current democratic structures can find them.
May I suggest that we build a new democracy?