Undoubtedly, a few neighborhoods will elect ineffective representatives. Most of these representatives won't rise much higher. I have said repeatedly on Medium that someone like Donald Trump will not rise that high in the TDG.
Part of the reason is that TDG representatives cannot hide behind a party façade or machine. Their true character cannot be hidden. If a representation has a combative streak, he won't be getting votes from follow representatives of the same tier.
As well, I also call for the early TDG builders to build the right culture. Otherwise, there is no point to the TDG. Part of that culture is teaching TDG members to vote for good character and capacity for governance. It will take several years to inculcate that culture into the TDG. But when it becomes strong, the new members who have yet to learn this culture won't dominate the voting for the "loudest member".
If you want to learn more, I have set up a Medium Pub called "Tiered Democratic Governance" with many TDG related articles.
Or you can take a free read of my TDG book at
Thanks for reading the TDG essay. Unfortunately this shortened version cannot explain well how all the pieces of the TDG fit together--and the very important role of the early TDG builder.