Darin: This is very good.
While there will be a few lefties reading your article and being validated by it, we ALL should be careful as to how we have been indoctrinated. Here is my personal experience:
To make a better world, I spent 1986 to 1992 in a political party in Canada. I thought my presence would somehow improve things. Eventually I concluded politics was inherently dysfunctional, so I left never to return. But somehow I invented a system of governance that addressed all the flaws I was seeing.
I've been on Medium for three years, mostly promoting my "Tiered Democratic Governance (TDG)". I've probabaly interacted with at least 2000 people. Here is my conclusion:
Americans of the left-wing persuasion know there is something wrong with their democracy, yet they have been INDOCTRINATED to believe that it can be fixed. So there is no reason to investagate other ways of democracy.
I have a 15-minute TDG essay. I hope you can give it more than a quick read before dismissing it: