DMorrow: Thanks for your thoughtful response.
I've kind of given up on political fortune telling. I really thought the photo-op of Mr. Trump holding up a Bible in front of a church was the beginning of his end. Yet he got 12m more votes than he did in 2016. I'm not convinced his end is in sight yet.
Coming from Canada, I would say the George Floyd hurt him more than helped. He had an opportunity to be statesmanlike and he blew it. I'm pretty sure that many of the 20m extra voters who voted for the other guy got off their couch to cast a vote for the first time in several election cycles. And mail-in ballots helped the other guy.
The point I was trying to make is that the final outcome of elections is often decided by some fickle events. And because of those fickle events, history is being written for the next few years.
In 1988, I was a campaign worker in Canada's federal election. It was amazing at how our party's position was pushed aside by voters because of the Free Trade Deal with the USA. While important, this deal was just one of many issues we Canadians were facing. But nothing else could be crowbarred into the public's mindset. They just wanted to know about our position on Free Trade. The other 99 issues did not matter. But they did--after the election.
We really need to find a new , non-fickle, way of electing representatives.