For some reason, I found the AOC link and watched it. For someone who claims he doesn't have enough spare time, I found it strange to watch that 90-minute video. But she was telling an interesting story.
Her segment on the lone police officer did not make a lot of sense to me. But maybe there is a latent mental illness behind her experience that affected her perception. As a survivor of abuse and somewhat recovered, I too wonder at my ability to process a fast-moving situation like the insurrection.
One thought that came to me reading this article was to the extremely busy life our elected officials have. They really don't have the time to deal with with mental illnesses. Yet if they don't clear their mind, their ability to serve well and provide good judegment is curtailed.
Another reason for the TDG: it will be harder for such people to rise high in this system. But once they find a cure, they can apply their personal understanding of mental illness to the world's problems.