Francesco said: "If you have the answer, then please share it."
I'm one of those people who that no one should beak off at police officers even if they are not doing a good job. Taking hand cuffs and a day in jail is better than a professional takedown (then hand cuffs and a day in jail) or an unprofessional takedown. And I get called a racist for this suggestion.
Our political processes, which we call democracy, stroke the divisions and polarizations. The American version is the furthest advancing along this dark path. We need a new way that builds unity.
Here is my Medium essay:
This essay is a 15-minute read, but it does not give the whole picture. I really recommending reading the entire book (which is a free read from my website).
I am sharing my solution. But do the people want to invest the 3-4 hours to even consider it? History says "no."