I am an inventor of an alternative democracy. Today, it seems more likely this democracy will be built under a Republican administration than a Democrat administration. But the Democrats have a new messiah, so my movement will likely be delayed by a few years.
As for the "nice narrative" aspect, I am failing to the see the redeeming features of Mr. Trump as political leader. In 2016, the Republicans chose him over John Kasich and Jeb Bush. Mr. Trump had a lot of help from the left-wing media, who believed any Democrat could defeat him.
I also believe the Republicans will take the USA more towards an oligarchy. Voting will be more pointless than today. Certain people will be above the law----like the people Dr. Giles is talking about in his book. MAGA is a power grab where 25% get to tell the other 75% what to do. It is not some kind of political ideology.