I don’t know enough about this current proposal, so I shall refrain from commenting directly.
My wife and I are lower middle class in Canada, with a family gross income of about $40,000. We get a child benefit payment of about $10,000 a year to help raise our two boys. I will just say it really helps a lot. I shudder to think of what we would have to cut if this program was not there.
Just in case there is any right-wing lurkers reading this article, my wife has been staying at home since the birth of our second son. Her education and life experience are not going to provide an income that will elevate our financial status if we have to put our child in day care.
And I have a disability that has prevented me from taking on employment that could generate more money for our family. As a wage earner, I am at the top of my game.
When my wife does move back into the workforce and our son is in school, we will get less money from this Canadian social program. And that is OK.