I found a few book maybe 20 years ago. Be darned if I can remember the title and authors.
You may or may have heard these tidbits already.
Our numbering system comes from the Muslims. Otherwise we would still be using Roman numerals. Can you multiply XXIV by IX?
The Muslims invented the concept the university. Wealthy Europeans were sending their sons to Toledo and Alexandria to learn how to become doctors and engineers. The first European university opened in the 1300s.
Muslim law helped codify European law.
Windmills are often credited to the Dutch. But the Dutch learned the techniques from the Muslims. In essence, the Muslims invented the field know as mechanical engineering.
Budapest was conquered by the Ottomans. While Islam was the favored religion, it allowed the Catholic Church to operate.
Spain and Portugal (Iberia) were places where Muslims, Christians, and Jews got a long reasonably well--for centuries.
Muslim scientist figure out the diameter of the Earth long before Columbus took his voyage.