I had used the Machiavelli quote in my previous TDG website. Thanks for reminding me about it.
I have already mentioned Chapter 6 of my book, which describes how to move from HERE to THERE, given all the obstacles you have already laid out. 'Nuff said on that.
But it seems I need to rewrite Chapter 7, which is about how an oligarchy can move to the TDG. My models were various African countries. I think I need to put a section in about former strong democracies becoming oligarchies, then building the TDG in that kind of forum. I give a little hint of this new section of Chapter 7 in this article:
Breaking logjams within the current system is a great thought. And it seems to happen once in a while. But I have no long-term, sustaining solutions. Neither do the political scientists I have been reading.
I'll stick with promoting the TDG.