I kind of doubt Russia would find something else to do. Its goal is to reconquer all the lands from Finland to Bulgaria. That is what makes Russians feel good about themselves.
Sort of what makes Americans feel good about themselves. Let's just say the USA is more subtle in its techniques of international hegemony.
I have a cure for the USA and other western nations. We must build a new democracy. The current democracies are failing the common people, with too many of them looking towards snake oil salesmen. for politicians.
The only cure for Russia is a forced retreat out of Ukraine. Then Russians will start looking internally at their own collective psyche.
The political elite of Russia have been selling snake oil to average Russians for 20 years. This snake oil blames all the woes on the west, while the elite rob the country blind. This kind of sounds like MAGA mentality, right?
The snake oil propaganda has worked so well that average Russians cannot understand why Ukraine is sending drones to Moscow.
I'm not a military analysist. But the only thing the Russian army seems good at is laying minefields. That kind of caught more than a few people by surprise.
One problem with minefields (or any other Maginot Line defense) is that once a hole is punched through, the rest of the army can follow through, bypassing all the intact minefields. New minefields cannot be laid down in time.
Recent news has Ukraine capturing Russian occupied villages. Maybe these are the signs of a hole being punched through.