I live in a town of about 5,000 homes. Maybe 20 would be burgled in a year. So the odds of a home invasion are small in most places. While those who experience this crime personally are deeply hurt, the fear is exaggerated.
When a homeowner takes an active defense, like a frying pan or a loaded gun, that sends a signal to the criminal community that burglary is not a good way to make a living. I would even say that burglary is down because a burglar never knows what kind whacko lives in the house they want to burgle.
Damn those housewives hiding in inconspicuous places with frying pans. Can't a fellow make an honest living? I bet your victim never did that kind of work again.
So on one hand, gun owners with a loaded bedside pistol are protecting more than themselves. We non-gun owners are getting a free ride. But, on the other hand, statistics say that a loaded gun in the house is much more likely to harm a resident than a burglar.