I noticed that you ducked the point of there being no political upside for the Democrat Senators to acquit Mr. Clinton. I'm not seeing any advantage of acquitting. And they put themselves in a position where hanging chads and supreme courts were deciding the next election.
The Constitution is not clear in many ways. The pundits I have encountered say that impeachment is mostly a political process, not a legal process. Basically if enough of Congress decides it does not like the president and is willing to stall other House business, they can go through the process.
By your standards, Mr. Nixon was never in danger of an impeachment. Yet he still resigned.
I am taking your comments typical of another Democrat apologist, interpreting the Constitution in favor of your favorite party.
Which party has the high moral ground? My answer: neither. the 1999 acquittal is my evidence that the D's are corrupt. True it is that the R's are more corrupt, but that does not cast the D's as angels.
Anyways, I am on Medium to promote an alternative democracy. In this democracy, people like Mr. Clinton and Mr. Trump would not rise too high. The article below explains how this new system would handle ambitious men who cannot keep their dick in their pants.
In this way, we would have political leaders that do not put themselves or the system in a difficult place.