I saw this group on LinkedIn. For some reason, they did not even respond to my cover letter and resume. Maybe I put a comma in the wrong place. At least I did not waste my time.
I had another LinkedIn inquiry. They liked my resume so much that they wanted me to pay $500 to take their online writing course before they would find me work. S...................C..........................A.................M
Anyways the two encounters inspired me to take a different approach to finding free lance work. I just put together a super-duper resume/portforlio package. I will just send it wherever--and the let person on the other end figure whether I have the skills they are looking for. There's not much sense in me trying to bend to their way.
A couple of days ago, I ran into a Medium article about how publishing houses are going after Medium writers for using their photos. Apparently, even Unsplash is not safe any more because nefarious characters are taking other photographers' work and putting them up on Unsplash. .
These publishing houses claim the writers are in copyright violations. They ask for a small fee or fine to go away. Scam?