I seldom get more than 200 views. Maybe 20 on average. Most writers are in the same boat from what I can see. There is not much correlation between quality and readership from what I can see.
In the fall, I had opportunity for lots of writing. So I put up 49 articles in 54 days. The readership dropped for six weeks to about 1/3 of my usual numbers. I believe that Medium was undergoing another experiment and I was losing on that experiment. My numbers came back towards the end.
I heard rumors that one top writer is getting $20,000+ a month. He's good, but not that good. We need some socialism!
If top writers disappear, that means my stuff has a greater chance of showing up on feeds.
My main problem is that I have a topic no one wants to consider. I've got a few more things to finish on the TDG Incantation #5, then I'll put it away for a few years.
Not sure if I'll be around Medium after that. It is a good place to kill some time.
Not so sure about Medium's demise. There will always be enough reasonable writers wanting to ply their works and roll the dice, sort of like C&W artists in Nashville. A lot depends on the pockets and patience of Medium's founder.
But I think he should consider my ideas.