I think the parallels are that our systems of governance really cannot resolve these complex situations very well.
It all starts with the political party. Inside a party, there is a lot of intense competition for top jobs. Not everyone can be at the top of the mountain, but there are still many players trying to occupy a prominent spot on the ridgelines leading to the top. And these players will try their best not to let anyone else pass them. So, I ask, what kind of psyche is likely to stay in this kind of game and find success?
And when we put this psyche in charge of things like the Vietnam War or Covid-19, should we not be surprised that we only bumble our way through?
The response of Covid-19 is showing us that our systems of governance are inadequate for humanity’s current state. We are using systems that matured around 1800 (with minor tinkering). But the world is much different today than 1800. And nearly all other scientific and humanistic models (chemistry, economics, etc) of 1800 have been discarded and replaced several times. Yet we still insist on being governed by political parties.
Time for a new way.