I took a look at the link.
I would not put any stock into any economic analysis over a such short period of time. Economics booms and busts usually have their roots going back a decade. Boom politicians benefit from good decisions of their predeceasors; bust politicians take the blame their predeceasors caused.
From analyses I have seen, the middle class has been gettin smaller in the western economicies since 1990. There is less opportunity today than 30 years ago. When there are fewer opportunities, the masses directly or indirectly take certain political actions--like support a political candidate who would have had zero chance a decade earlier.
Having said, the middle class is buying bigger houses, more expensive cars and toys, and taking more vacations. So maybe some of their poverty is self-induced.
Dr. Giles gives a good explanation of the follies of libertarianism. It would be an interesting Medium article for you to refute this argument.