I used to be a recreational user of marijuana. My last use was at a party when I was about 27 years old. I remember feeling slow and sluggish three days after that party. As someone who wanted to be a high performing person, I figured I just could not do both lifestyles. I have not taken cannabis since.
My understanding is that the compound TCH stays in the blood several days after imbibing. Whereas moderate alcohol consumption can be filtered out with a good night’s sleep.
I used to work around a lot of heavy machinery. I do not want to be around machinery and people with TCH in their blood. So I support constant testing in these workplaces.
I also support de-criminalization of cannabis. There’s no point to putting people to jail. But this whole new legal industry is a schmozzle, and it looks like the winners of the shake-out period are going to be the corporate side, not small businesses. So the users, instead of supporting organized crime, are now supporting Wall Street. Not exactly a clean break.
I also quit alcohol when I was 34. I see no sense in consuming mind-altering substances.
Having said that, if I were in chronic pain and marijuana seemed to be a good pain reliever for me, I would prefer marijuana over whatever the pharma industry proffers.