I used to have some transparent cooking pots. I liked watching the water as it came to boil.
As the water at the bottom of the pot was warming and the water at the top was still at room temperature, I could see the convection cells appearing at the bottom. Goblets of warmer water were swirling, trying to move up but were stopped by the colder water above it. A small organism living at the bottom of the pot would have noticed a much more violent atmosphere long before the water came to a boil.
Thunderstorms, tornados, and hurricanes are just big convection cells. If there are more of them, it is because our world has become hotter. Expect even more of these convection cells! That's just high school science confirming what the real scientists are saying.
Our inability to handle this climate crisis in a responsible way speaks to our political systems.
It is time for a new way of governance.