I was watching a TV news article last night. It seems a retailer named “Forever 21” has gone broke. I never heard of this retailer before, but the article said it specialized in high fashion for low price — which is another way for throw-away clothes after a few wears. It seems enough environmentally-conscious consumers got the message and stayed away from the store. So I will agree that education does play a part.
But getting back to the corn issue in the USA. The education has been there for more than a decade. The agricultural industry is way too powerful for its numbers and has successfully ensured its subsidy. It will take another decade of “education” and “protest” to unravel this mess. That is, if the Ogahalla doesn’t dry up first, which I would wager should generate more subsidies.
The political process is far too beholden to special interest groups and demographics. We should not depend on just education to effect the changes we need to make — when we need to make them.