I wonder where I would fit in your cycle.
To make the world a better place, I spent six years in a Canadian political party. In 1992, I came to the conclusion that life inside any political party is inherently dysfunctional and I could see Asimov's prophecy that democracy will eventually fall in on itself.
But in 1992, I somehow invented another democracy that addressed all the dysfunction I was seeing.
To make a long story short, it was not until 2009 before I got all the pieces of the TDG to fit together. I put up a website and put a few thousand dollars into advertising. No one was interested in a new democracy.
I joined Medium in 2019. Despite a more civil and educated crowd than other internet places I have been to, no one here is interested.
You have already expressed no interest in this democracy.
But I have to ask:
"Why bother publishing these doomposting articles when the result is going to be the same whether the articles go up or not?"
If I thought this way, I would on beach enjoying my last margaritas, waiting for the collapse. Or maybe I would be a prepper, which gives me a 5% greater chance of surviving the collapse. I don't understand why people put effort into doomposting--when there really is no hope.