If you are offended, that is good. I offend a lot people here. After five years, I am still a bottom writer.
I don't see much difference between alcohol and marijuana. Both vices rob individuals and societies of their potential. Societies need to encourage individuals to do less, just like we have reduced the effects of tobacco.
I was a binge drinker. Too often putting my body in bad situations. Then there was the hangovers after which resulted in a day of "low productivity." I've been dry 30 years--and there is no desire to go back.
I used to be a social toker. An ounce of marijuana would last me a year. Unlike a few beers, a joint or two marijuana would leave me in state of lower productivity the next day. I decided I no longer wanted that. That was 38 years ago.
My personal experience is that these vices are not good for me. I can only project that the same effects are happening for other people. They rob us of our potential.
And even if we are still "successful" with these vices, our actions are encouraging other people who cannot manage their vice wisely that this this a normal way of living. That was my thinking around alcohol. I was so manipulated.
Your article had some great suggestions of how we should legally handle these vices. No, we cannot force our morality on others. But neither should they force theirs on me.
If I had a health situation where I could not function well and marijuana was reducing the pain, I would have no problem using it. But for mostly recreation, nope!
Society needs to reduce its vices.