I'm having a hard time getting back to your book. But I will eventually finish and write a review.
I still like all the social issues being piled up on top of each other: this shows the connectiveness of these issues. To move forward, we are going to have to solve many problems simultaneously. And I don't think western democracy--even if it survives its right-wing onslaught--can do that.
My last read was three days ago. I am still struggling with the many characters of this story, after being about 25% complete. When I encounter a name I can't recall, I just read over it hoping to understand their place in the story later. It might be beneficial to your story telling to introduce the characters more slowly.
I am recalling Isaac Asimov's Foundation novels, which I reread a few years ago. He introduces new characters at a slow pace, maybe starting with 2-3 characters, building on their story. When the character is more implanted in the reader's mind, he then adds a new character or two later.
I really like how the main character Sophie is being developed.
I started outlining my fourth novel yesterday. This story is not coming out as mystical as the previous novels.