In 1997, I start writing a book. One point in this book can be paraphrased like this:
“Big Money will always find a way to influence western democracy to big money’s needs. It won’t matter what laws we write to minimize this influence.”
So 22 years later, my prophecy holds true — even though we didn’t know much about Facebook and Twitter back in 1997.
The question that should be asked is: “Why does big money have so much influence in democracy?” Answer: “Because western democracy is powerless to stop it”.
So the logical solution is think of another system of governance where big money won’t have much influence.
So Umair readers, here is your challenge (Umair won’t talk to me).
You can spend three hours reading Umair articles in the next month, giving him all sorts of claps for being so right on. Or you can spend three hours with my system, trying to figure out angles how big money can elect its kind of people into government who then write laws to for big money to turn into bigger money.
It’s all your choice.