In 1998, I was working for a software development firm as a bug tester for a petroleum engineering company. My job was to test the crap out of the software, find the bugs, report them to the programmers, then check that they fixed them.
At this time, I was coming down with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). I asked my boss for some time off to recuperate. Instead he had the IT people set me for working at home.
I only needed two hours a day to give the programmers enough bugs to fix for the rest of the day. So the arrangement worked well for me.
It was strange that I could get my usual work done in two hours compared to the eight (ten with the commute) when I was in the office.
After three weeks he asked: "Are you getting better?"
I said, "No." *
So he fired me. I returned the laptop and picked up my last check.
I think the essay's point about justifying office lease payments was on my boss's mind. We could have worked out another employment arrangement; he did say I was a great bug tester.
* My CFS worsened after I lost my job. It took about 12 years before I would say that I was 90% recovered. So I understand the "long hauler" effect many Covid victims are having these days.
This past year, I was also forced into working from home. I was a math/science tutor for adults acquiring their high school credentials.
Unfortunately, our success rate dropped dramatically. Despite the technology we have today, too many students just cannot work with all the extra learning curves that goes with online learning.
In the first semester, I managed to talk my way into using my office, promising that I would only meet with students online. I wanted to work on a little project for my employer. With not so many people around, I sure got a lot done.
In the second semester, the lockdown restrictions were tighter. I was forced at home. I have a five-year old who really liked being around his dad. I didn't get much done.
Post-secondary education still needs classrooms and blackboards and teachers at the front. Most of us are not yet prepared to learn independently.
But for many office environments, the losses of "not being at the water cooler or hastily called meetings" do not compensate for the commuting damage and a more relaxed work environment.
I had CFS and could still get 8 hours of office work done in 2 hours at home.