In the video, Mr. Lessig asked: "Can we reclaim our democracy?"
Kind of a loaded question, right?
I would say that American democracy--and other western democracies--have always belonged somewhere on a scale of democracy vs. oligarchy. In other words, we have never had a full democracy--even back in the good old days.
Yes, we are better than the full oligarchy. But that is not enough for the 21st century.
The American primary system--and again the internal elections of political parties in other western democracies--get to do the nominating. My last understanding of Canadian politics is that about 3% of Canadians belong to a political party at any time. And most of them are not that active in the party mechanism. In other words, only 3% of Canadians get the legal right to do the nominating. And maybe 10% of them are actually pulling the strings.
I have an alternative democracy. Everyone is entitled to vote. Everyone is entitled to be voted for. There is no filter that requires the approval of the political elite.
Anyone interested?