It does remain possible that some organization will come along capable of reaching millions of Americans with a simple, motivating message.
I've been working on my alternative democracy since 1997. The year 2009 was when I got all the pieces put together.
My "simple, motivating message" is that average Americans will rebuild this new democracy, starting in their own living rooms, spending about 10 hours a month. They need not permission from the political elite, the wealthy, or the academics to start building.
I've been on Medium since April 2019. I was on about 10 other internet forums before Medium . All indications are that average Americans do not want a "simple, motivating message."
I say that a Republican one-party rule is plausible in the next decade. If so, they will be inept in governance, which could result in the breakup of the USA, simple because their rule would only be effective in a few areas.
If the breakup does occur, I would hope that the some of various pieces reform themselves with a much better document than the one written in 1792.
If the West Coast is governed by Democrats and Republicans, that would not be progress.