I've heard quite a few stories about many former Nazis and communists became lost when their systems collapsed around them. Their identity was so wrapped up in the falsehoods.
MAGA Americans cannot let go of their ideology. If they question things too much, they will lose their family, community, support and social networks, and identity. So the quality and quantity of left-leaning articles on Medium is not going to change enough minds to make a political difference.
And, in a similar fashion, the anti-MAGA people have created their inflexible identity. The prosecution of Mr. Trump should be pursed and it could even mean that he loses bigly in 2024 (I'm talking at least a 65-35 split). But another coin flip election and 50/50 Congress means MAGA sticking around for another decade.
The anti-MAGA movement has been quick to blame Trump, Republicans ,and MAGA. But they fail to understand that American democracy created these conditions. But anti-MAGA has swallowed a different propaganda. Put Trump in prison, and all will be well. No, it won't.
The USA really needs another democracy.
It's easy to see how the Russians were influenced in a bad way. But we can't see similar influences working on ourselves.
We really need to abandon western democracy. But we can't.