Just to be a devil's advacated here.
While I--and many others--would like to be a fly on the office walls in Biden administration affairs, I would speculate they are talking about one big elephant:
There are at least 100,000 Trump supporters willing to die for his cause. They can cause lots and lots of problems, including a successful insurrection. Garland et al are treading carefully, not to get the T base riled up. If Garland et al do take Mr. Trump el al to court, they had better have an iron-tight case, something not so easy to have in a court of white collar law. Even with such a case, a gulity verdict could be the spark that sets things off.
Consciously or unconsciously, the current powers are hoping the problem somehow disappates. Mr Trump is an old man, not in the best health. That just might be the better solution.
USA is indeed living in interesting times.