Lots of good points to digest.
Political parties do change as time marches on. Competitive pressures force them into different niches to win elections. Neither the D's nor the R's are in the same place as they were in 1960. I just read an interesting essay on how parties in Norway changed since that time as well.
The vitriol in our confrontational systems shows no sign of toning down. Today in Parliament, the new convervative leader was calling the liberal imbeciles and other things. I think it is only a matter of time before this filters to the genera public--and we see more incidents like Ellingson/Brandt in Canada.
There was probably political pressure for Biden to make that anti-MAGA speech. He solidified the D base, but antagonized 20 to 30% of the country. Maybe he made the right "political" call. But I would say the "civil" call was unproductive, maybe even counter-productive.
Anyways, my new system is about people trying to get along. Building the TDG is about learning how to do this new way. The examples from our elected leaders is leeching into our psyche.