Methinks Umair has a pretty good analysis here. When people see little advancement in their lives or their children's lives, they have interesting ways of showing their discontent. For the time being, this discontent is parked by a rogue politician.
Umair talks about the Washington gatekeepers. From my perspective, these gatekeepers were trying their best to keep the spotlight on Mr. Trump in the 2016 Republican primary. The underlying hypothesis was any Democrat fencepost could beat Mr. Trump in the general election. Well, we know how that turned out.
Mr. Kasich would have bene a better president than Mr. Trump. But I have to admit the roots of the discontent run deeper than a four-year presidential term.
But there are other gatekeepers of public thought. Medium is one example.
I have been offering a solution for the "Donald Trump" problem for almost three years. I did a little number crunching with my stats. My first 10 Medium articles in spring 2019 had an average of 41 readers. My last 10, in winter 2022, averaged 22 readers. My solution has not gone far, despite 240 articles .and 5800 responses.
Undoubtedly, the Medium algorithms have deemed my alternative democracy as something the readers do not want to read. I don't believe any real person has made the decision to ensure my work does not get attention. Political readers just don't like alternative democracies.
But what if a Medium gatekeeper said, "This Dave fellow from Canada has an interesting idea. It kind of looks like a solution rather than another gripe session. Maybe we should give it a serious investigation. "