More interesting points.
When the TDG reaches its maturing TDG stage, it should start mirroring functions of government, learning about the various ministries. This is not much different than an opposition party in Canada’s Westminster system. The opposition party does not have full access to government, but it is learning on how to be the government. When the election makes the change, the opposition already has some reasonable knowledge of government. They are not coming directly off the street. In the same manner, the maturing TDG too will gain a similar experience.
As the TDG matures, it will be gaining a lot of exposure. When citizens see credible leaders and members of this “party” getting along and its rather interesting solutions, the citizens will see the TDG as a better alternative than voting for the opposition party. If the TDG does not earn the credibility of the citizenry, it will need to do more work on itself.
In Chapter 6, the current parties can use or not use the advice of the TDG. It is their choice. They can ignore, support, or degrade the evolving TDG. I have given suggestions on how the TDG should respond in each case. But when maturing TDG does happen, I suspect it will provide better solutions than I can concoct. Remember the leaders of the TDG at this point will be very capable people.
I was in Czechoslovakia in the early 90s. It was interesting to see how the president of the federation and later the presidents of the two republics did their politics. They had no official voting power in parliament. Yet they said things that needed to be said and no other politician had the courage to say it. I believe the TDG will have a similar power in its maturing stage. The parties ignore their advice at their peril.
Gamble or Plan? There is an old Persian saying: “You cannot be a prophet in your own village.” My family, friends, and colleagues think I’m nuts for working on this project. I don’t even mention it any more. It is doubtful I can start anything local at this time. The TDG will start when that 1% comes to the realization that their system of government can no longer continue. Some neighborhoods will be early innovators for sure. But they will teach other neighborhoods (Chapter 5: the advisors).
Term limits is a moot point. Setting term limits will not solve any of the 12 limitations. In Canada’s Parliament, not many MPs make it past 10 years. Elections induce firings, and the lifestyle is a hard one. Our parliament always has a few 20+ year veterans, but maybe 10% of the total. I think all the parties appreciate their elder statesmen. Long serving politicians are not a problem in Canada. I would say most non-partisan citizens are still disenchanted with the process.
The system is the parties! My provincial riding is 40,000 people. My federal riding is 100,000 people. In all the elections I have voted in the past 20 years, I only knew one of the candidates, and not very well. The parties don’t want you to know much about the candidates. They have trained us to vote for the party banner, not the individuals in the parties. BTW, I spoil my ballot as my protest to change the system.
Municipal elections: we have no parties. My town has about 14,000 people. I usually know enough about some of the people on the ballot to cast a wise for or against. But not provincially or federally. The contenders are strangers to me.
The first loyalty of any politician is to the party. A distant second is the society the politician is the society. There’s a lot of underhanded stuff going between elected politicians, senior bureaucrats, and high ranking party members. Elected politicians have to play this game if they want donations and volunteers and campaign experience in the next election.
In my town, municipal politicians usually run on their past reputation. WHile some of their positions and collective decisions are sometimes not popular, I have not heard a whiff of a municipal scandal in the past 20 years.
Or did I miss something substantial?
I think you need to read the book. Please keep in mind we cannot build this system overnight; the citizenry will need to be trained.