My head has been spinning on this topic for the past few hours. I am now seeing Bitcoin as the transition to H2$ (or whatever you want to call that new currency). H2$ can be circulated from transaction to tranasction. Very few H2$ will ever be called in to buying H2, but its value is based on that holders can cash in their H2$ to buy H2. In these cases, the H2$ goes back to the generators of H2. But it never really leaves the money supply and the H2 generators need to pay people and buy things.
I see how hydrogen/electricity will be the stabilizer of the economy. H2 generators will move in and out of the marketplace as profits warrants, finding that magical balance between supply and demand--with everyone else using that balance as the value of their currency.
Not sure how MMT will work with H2$. But this transition might be how western societies get out of the debt they owe to themselves--and start with a clean slate of balanced budgets.
This has become quite fascinating, as Mr. Spock would say. But methinks I need to spend time on my alternate democracy.