My Mastodon feed has been critical of the mainstream media. For example, the critics are comparing the coverage of Biden's slide into dementia to Trump's slide into dementia (or whatever). According the critics, there was lots of coverage of the first, but much less of the second.
And there are a few other examples on Mastodon that suggest that the mainstream media is slanted toward Trump. I can't confirm this bias for myself, but the number of examples is a good sign that this happening.
Whether the media owners are playing a skillfull game to appear neutral while deliberately giving Trump an advantage OR there have been implied threats to shut some media outlets down later, that will be harder to determine.
Two months ago, we were looking at a coin flip election. The media might become braver in the next few weeks.
One story floating around Mastodon has been how Trump took a $10m bribe from the government of Egypt. Are you seeing this anywhere else?