My province, Alberta, went through this process a generation ago.
If a welfare recipient found a part-time job, welfare payments were reduced by the amount the job earned. So there was little financial incentive to go look for work-----after one qualified for welfare.
Now, the welfare payment is reduced by some fraction, say maybe 30%. If a welfare person receives $1000 a month and finds a part-time job that brings $500 a month, the welfare payment is reduced by $150. So the recipient gets $850 + $500=$1350. And the recipient is in a better mindset to eventually find full-time work.
I'm not sure of the exact forumulae or how it is monitored. But finding part-time is financially sound for welfare recipients to consider.
Another angle is that Canada--whether it admits it or not--is moving to a UBI. There are several programs that put a little extra cash into people's bank accounts. But this payment is dependent on last years tax returns--and is prorated to those returns. In simpler terms, the upper middle class (and higher) get zero, the middle class gets a little, and the working poor get a significant boost to their meagre disposible inoome.
My family is lower-middle class. These payments constitute about 15% of our net income--and that does make a difference.