November 3 was not a victory that should bring about dancing in the street. That 80-to-74 score was a close race. The "80" might want to thank a fellow by the name of George Floyd.
Having said that, I don't think the electoral college is an undemocratic mechanism. It will not vault an unviable candidate into the president's position.
Mr. Trump was a viable contender in 2016. He was, despite his ineptness at his job, a viable contender in 2020. And if his health holds, he will be viable in 2024.
Isn't it strange that some event like George Floyd or an email leak or a sailboat trip with a young woman can derail a political campaign. Such an event need only change the minds of a few voters (most likely not to vote) to produce a totally different result.
Time to put western democracy aside and start building something new. Something that is not so fickle.