One of the problems with political or cultural labels is that the definitions are obscure. I just went to Wikipedia with this term. I got this introductory sentence:
Feminism is a range of social movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
But when I skip to section 3, I find different branches of feminism, which then leads to confusion. Which then seems to allow others (mostly some men) to define feminism in derogatory terms.
I think the first wiki definition works quite well in explaining this movement. Maybe the definition needs to be more upfront--instead of people assuming other people already understand it.
In a related manner, we really need to define the role sexuality plays in our lives. For a short time, I lived with a fellow who was good with the ladies. Despite his patriarchal success stories, he died not accomplishing very much in life. Yet many women contributed to his "pursuit of happiness."