Proper study of the New Testament should also encompass the social structure of Palestine in those times.
The Romans occupied Palestine, but they had a little deal with the Jewish aristocracy, who would keep peace with the Jewish masses. The Romans got their taxes; the aristocracy kept a lid on discontent and got a privileged position. The Roman garrisons were necessary.
The Pharisees were one of four sects of Judaism. But they were also part of the aristocracy. They had a vested interest in their position.
For 90% of the Palestinians, life was very hard. The system was rigged against them. There was no "getting ahead" by hard work and enterprise. To get some debt relief, fathers often had to sell one of their children into slavery. This was a very resentful society, ready for revolt.
Not only that, people of the time and place had a tendency to use each other for personal advantage. Nobody did nice things unless there some quid pro quo happening. The teaching of Jesus changed that culture--at least for those who embraced his teachings.
If nothing else, the culture of the New Testament tells us that a big wealth inequality is a sign of an oppressive and unhappy society.