Regardless of the Russian manipulation, Mr. Trump earned most of his 62m votes on his own merit-----like it or not.
The Comey email scandal probably convinenced 500,000 soft D supporters not to make the trip to the polls.
The brilliant FB campaign probably convinced another 500,000 soft D voters not to make the trip to the polls.
While these two events changed the vote (not going to cast a vote) of less than 2% of all voters, there were enough swing in a coin-flip election to go to the other side.
We really need another system where trivialities of voter mood on Election Day are not writing history.
My friend Fred-Rik (in your comments) and I have different means to this end. But we are in agreement that the American democracy can easily be gamed by nefarious forces.
Trying to send police and prosecutors will not solve this problem.