Shortly after January 6, I wrote a piece about why Americans really didn't understand what had happened.
One thing the failed coup did was to make the threat of another coup very real. The people-now-in-charge have been affected by this threat. They understand how Mr. Trump need only say the right words and there will be bigger violence than January 6. This was the main reason for whatever "delay of justice" Umair and others may have been hoping for.
Umair is calling for some Nuremburg like trials, Unfortunately 30% of Americans seem to support the Republicans despite their moves to dismantle democracy, as the recent Virginia gubernatorial elections suggest.
The Biden presidency may have some hidden knowledge or tricks up their sleeve. Either their next moves will work--or won't. For most of us, the near future of the United States has already been written. There is not much we can at this point.
One possible near future is a Republican oligarchy, which will be challenged by an unofficial counter-left movement. During these troubled times, it will still be possible for average Americans, who are trying to stay out of the fighting, to build a new democracy.