Thank Betsy for the invite.
I spent six years in a Canadian political party. As time moved on, I became more aware of the internal dysfunction I was seeing in politics.
While I was pondering this dysfunction on a long walk, I got a "eureka" moment. Within a couple of minutes, I got:
1) How deeply flawed western democracy really is,
2) Why western democracy cannot reform itself
3) An alternative democracy: no political parties.
That was in 1992. I left politics shortly after that.
I didn't think my ideas would ever see the light of day. But after I heard a couple of political scientists give their opinions on improving democracy, I could see that they had no idea of what was really wrong. So they could not fix anything. That was in 1997.
In 2000, I self-published my first TDG book. Three more versions in 2004, 2009, and 2017; each one is getting better.
The link is my TDG essay on Medium. It is a 15-minute read. Hopefully it will entice you to read my book: