Thank you for your encouragement.
I suspect there are typos. It was a lengthy article, and I can’t justify a proof reader to go over articles few people are going to read. I wasn’t in a position to do the read-aloud thing, which catches many typos. You seem to be the forgiving type.
I put the TDG project on the shelf last February. But I found Medium in April and decided to give this social media a try. There was definitely a higher quality of both writers and readers than in other internet forums I have participated in. But, for whatever reason, the Medium algorithms don’t place me very high. I was (and still am) not getting much traction on Medium. So I was going to put the TDG on the shelf last June.
But last November, a fellow from a G+ group recommended that I write a piece of fiction based on how the TDG works. At first I didn’t like this idea because I had never written fiction before and I don’t see this path in my life plans. But after a few months of thinking and percolating, the TDG characters and plot came to me. And with a little help with an experienced amateur novelist, I started writing in July. The story came out surprisingly fast. It is more educational than a piece of great literature, but it serves the purpose of explaining the TDG in a different and more entertaining way.
I’ll be reworking my website in January. The TDG and “Diary of a Future Politician” will still be available for free. I’ll be posting chapters of the new book on Medium; I have almost 200 Medium followers. Plus there will be a few other internet marketing schemes after the second book. If no traction after that, the TDG will go on the shelf for a few years.
While I am frustrated with Medium, other internet forums have — although yielding a more vibrant response for my articles — also yielded intangible results. In the past two years, I think I convinced six people to read my book. The general consensus is that they believe humanity is incapable of rising to the TDG challenge.