Thank you for your response.
Your reminder of Saddam Hussein is well warranted. I think that if Russia had wanted to blow up NordStream, it could have easily conducted an internal explosion; all evidence points to an external explosion.
I think everyone needs to grab a big vial of humility. No one knows how things will turn out.
When Russia gathered its military might on the Ukrainian borders, most analytics believed it was all bluff and bluster (I was not one of them). When Russia stepped into Ukraine, most analysists believed that it would only be a couple of weeks before it occupied Ukraine (and I was one of them).
I also believed that had the Ukrainian invasion been easy, Russia would have taken more countries. NATO would have easily abandoned these countries rather than fight a war with a first-rate military.
Most analysts (myself included) did not understand that Russia had a third-rate military. Knowing this, Russia is not likely to invade Finland or Poland.
Some analysists are predicting Russian society to collapse soon. In this case, it will be hard for Russia to maintain a viable military force in Ukraine. Other analysts say that the ethnic Russians (in Russia) are willing to send their husbands and sons to continue to war until Ukraine is firmly in Russian hands again. Who is right?
I do have strong opinions on this matter.
But I also recognize that I don't know everything. I am on the outside, not having access to all information--and trying to stay re-elected.
And I recognize that even those on the inside often have clouded judgement.
And I have been wrong before.
If nothing else, this war is another example to show us how ill prepared our liberal democracies are able to handle these difficult situations. We are using systems that matured in the 19th century to handle the 21st century.
I have invented an alternative democracy. The link below is my Medium essay:
I hope this essay encourages you to read my books. And I hope these books encourage you to start building this democracy.
We need a new way.