Thanks again for your thoughtful and lengthy reply. Maybe there is another inspiration for me.
To analogize, nearly all the political left seems to have the job of fighting the fire. My job is to design a structure that is less likely to catch on fire. If I switch my spare time away from designing and toward the fighting, my contribution to the fight won't be elevate the fight that much because there are thousands already involved in this task. But the design of the new way is almost stopped if I get on the fight band wagon.
If the goal is to fight the fire to the most effect, then the Medium left-wing writers should have joined their local Democratic campaign office to canvass for soft D supporters. A good canvasser can find one to five such votes per hour of canvassing. That is a greater return on effort than writing, reading, and commenting on Medium. How many American Medium writers actually canvassed this past month? Did Umair and Jessica tell their readers to engage in this political activity? I don't know; I don't read much of their work anymore. But this is the best fire-fighting tool for the time the USA is in.
I make no claim of instant success. The TDG requires a fundamental shift in how we reach collective decisions. The early TDG builders must--deliberately and consciously--learn this way. The building of the TDG is the forum to acquire these new skills and attitudes.
For those who still believe in fighting the fire, well they can still do that task while building the TDG. The amount of time required for the TDG will be much less than most Medium contributors spend on the Medium.
When a few neighbors have an interest in a local TDG, they will be writing their local constitution, to which I have offered an outline. There are about 40 to 50 constitutional points to discuss and define for their neighborhood. One person should be designated as the writer (and all Medium contributors have the skills to fill this role). I estimate a two-hour meeting every couple of weeks, with the writer passing email drafts in between meetings. Maybe 10 hours a month. That will not take that much time and energy from other political work, whatever that might be.
Writing the constitution is of secondary importance. What is more important is the skills gained when these people learn this new way. The 40 or 50 points of the constitution are not "life and death," so the early TDG builders can relax as they learn to build consensus.
I have a great belief that humanity can learn this new way--just like it learned how to participate when it moved from aristocracy/oligarchy to democracy. This time, we need to be more deliberate and conscious of the re-training that is required.
All this for 10 hours a month!